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New site update coming

New site update coming

Hello everyone!

Update content

  • As mentioned before, this update focus specially in improving the statistics, so we made some changes and tuned up a little bit our statistics calculator, but as we are rolling out this update in the middle of a game patch there might be some inconsistencies in the data that will be corrected as days goes by. 
  • We have been working on the User Interface too, so a little changes here to make some sections of the site more user-friendly.
  • Statistics for Iron and Grandmaster Tiers.
  • Overall performance. You will notice that some loading times have decreased drastically, specially for the statistics, builds and items section.
  • We removed the Live Streams from the home page as we think this section isn't the primary focus of our site and increases loading times which is our primary concerns. In the upcoming days will be removing the Streaming section completely as well.


This update is going to be live starting tomorrow after our statistic calculator ends with the new calculations. We are going to keep an eye on the new stats in case something goes wrong, and we'll be rolling back if needed.

As always you can leave us your feedback through the feedbackform, or on our social networks. 

Thank you very much for your time and your support, you are amazing!

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