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Content Update - Patch 9.11

Content Update - Patch 9.11

Hello everyone!

Tomorrow a new Patch 9.11 will be released bringing some adjustments and small balance changes only to champions. Although the most notorious thing here it's without any doubt the new Little Demon Tristana skin which will be available on May 30,2019.

In case you didn't know, some time ago everyone with a League of Legends account was able to participate on a survey to select the next champion that was going to get a new skin. The selected champion was Tristana and her brand new skin: Little Demon Tristana.

We'll also take this opportunity to test our new shiny tool that creates a summary of changes that you will find on the blog every time a new patch is released. This is also the foundation to a new cool feature that we're developing at the moment, but shhhh... it's too soon to give details yet!.

Summary of changes for Patch 9.11

Summary of Champions changed in Patch 9.11

Akali League of LegendsAkaliAkali League of Legends
Passive energy refund decreased late; damage ratio decreased.
Amumu League of LegendsAmumuAmumu League of Legends
Passive bonus true damage decreased.
Ekko League of LegendsEkkoEkko League of Legends
Basic attacking after E no longer delayed due to animation.
Galio League of LegendsGalioGalio League of Legends
W base damage decreased, damage ratio increased. E damage decreased.
Gragas League of LegendsGragasGragas League of Legends
Base health, health growth, attack damage increased.

HEALTH 583.5 ⇒ 600



Janna League of LegendsJannaJanna League of Legends
W cooldown now scales; base damage decreased late. E cooldown now decreases when Janna CCs enemies; cooldown decreased early, increased late; shield increased.
Jayce League of LegendsJayceJayce League of Legends
Q base damage decreased late; damage ratio decreased.
Karthus League of LegendsKarthusKarthus League of Legends
R damage, ratio decreased.
Master Yi League of LegendsMaster YiMaster Yi League of Legends
Bonus attack speed at level 1 removed. Q isolated target damage decreased.
Rammus League of LegendsRammusRammus League of Legends
Passive basic attack damage flattened. R damage decreased.
Warwick League of LegendsWarwickWarwick League of Legends
Q healing increased late.
Yuumi League of LegendsYuumiYuumi League of Legends
Q range indicator brightness adjusted. W now gives assists when she first attaches. E movement speed decay flattened. Lots of bugfixes.
Zac League of LegendsZacZac League of Legends
Q slow decreased; cooldown decreased late. W max health damage now scales with AP. R reverted to pre-patch 7.9.

Champions changed in Patch 9.11

Passive energy refund decreased late; damage ratio decreased.

AssassinPassive - Assassin's Mark

ENERGY REFUND 10/20/30 ⇒ 10/15/20
DAMAGE RATIO 0.9 bonus attack damage and 0.7 ability power ⇒ 0.6 bonus attack damage and 0.5 ability power

Passive bonus true damage decreased.

Cursed TouchPassive - Cursed Touch


Basic attacking after E no longer delayed due to animation.

Phase DiveE - Phase Dive

CLEAN HITS Ekko will now consistently basic attack at his regular cadence after using Phase Dive instead of having to wait for his animation

W base damage decreased, damage ratio increased. E damage decreased.

Shield of DurandW - Shield of Durand

MINIMUM DAMAGE 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.2 ability power) ⇒ 10/20/30/40/50 (+0.3 ability power)
MAXIMUM DAMAGE 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.6 ability power) ⇒ 30/60/90/120/150 (+0.9 ability power)

Justice PunchE - Justice Punch

DAMAGE 100/135/170/205/240 ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240

Base health, health growth, attack damage increased.

HEALTH 583.5 ⇒ 600



W cooldown now scales; base damage decreased late. E cooldown now decreases when Janna CCs enemies; cooldown decreased early, increased late; shield increased.

ZephyrW - Zephyr

COOLDOWN 8 seconds ⇒ 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds
BASE DAMAGE 55/100/145/190/235 ⇒ 55/90/125/160/195

Eye Of The StormE - Eye Of The Storm

PASSIVE Each ability that slows or knocks back an enemy champion reduces Eye of the Storm's cooldown by 20%
COOLDOWN 18/16/14/12/10 seconds ⇒ 16/15/14/13/12 seconds
SHIELD 70/105/140/175/210 ⇒ 80/115/150/185/220

Q base damage decreased late; damage ratio decreased.

To the Skies! / Shock BlastQ - To the Skies! / Shock Blast

BASE DAMAGE 70/120/170/220/270/320 ⇒ 70/115/160/205/250/295
DAMAGE RATIO 1.2 bonus attack damage ⇒ 1.0 bonus attack damage

R damage, ratio decreased.

RequiemR - Requiem

DAMAGE 250/400/550 (+0.75 ability power) ⇒ 200/350/500 (+0.65 ability power)

Bonus attack speed at level 1 removed. Q isolated target damage decreased.

Alpha StrikeQ - Alpha Strike

DAMAGE ON SAME TARGET 25% attack damage per additional strike ⇒ 15% attack damage per additional strike

Passive basic attack damage flattened. R damage decreased.

Spiked ShellPassive - Spiked Shell

BASIC ATTACK DAMAGE 8-20 (based on level) ⇒ 10 at all levels

TremorsR - Tremors

DAMAGE PER SECOND 40/80/120 ⇒ 30/60/90

Q healing increased late.

Jaws of the BeastQ - Jaws of the Beast

HEALING 30/40/50/60/70% of damage dealt ⇒ 30/45/60/75/90% of damage dealt

Q range indicator brightness adjusted. W now gives assists when she first attaches. E movement speed decay flattened. Lots of bugfixes.

Prowling ProjectileQ - Prowling Projectile

I SEE THE LIGHT Yuumi's range indicator is now much brighter when Prowling Projectile is first cast, fading back down in brightness over its duration for both Yuumi and her attached ally

You and Me!W - You and Me!

I'M HELPING Now gives assists on champion takedowns from her teammates when she first attaches to a participating ally

ZoomiesE - Zoomies

ZOOM ZOOM Flattened Yuumi's movement speed decay to herself and to the ally she's attached to based on ability power

Q slow decreased; cooldown decreased late. W max health damage now scales with AP. R reverted to pre-patch 7.9.

Stretching StrikeQ - Stretching Strike

SLOW 60% ⇒ 40%
COOLDOWN 13/12/11/10/9 seconds ⇒ 13/11.5/10/8.5/7 seconds

Unstable MatterW - Unstable Matter

DAMAGE RATIO 2% target's max health per 100 ability power

LetR - Let's Bounce!

NOT SQUISHY Zac no longer squishes himself down while charging for up to 2.5 seconds, becoming unstoppable and slowing enemies standing on top of him
NO LONGER ICE CREAM Zac no longer knocks back enemies and deals magic damage when quickly releasing R, and no longer scoops up enemies, damaging and carrying them to a target location when releasing R after charging
FLUBBER Zac now bounces 4 times on cast, with a 1 second delay between each bounce
DAMAGE Each bounce does 140/210/280 (+0.4 ability power) magic damage and knocks up enemies for 1 second. Subsequent bounces on the same targets do 50% magic damage and do not knock them up.
FLUID SLIME Zac can move during Let's Bounce and gains ramping movement speed over the duration, up to 50%

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