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Updates to the Item Builder

Updates to the Item Builder

Hello everyone!


It has been a long time since our last post. I hope all of you are doing great and climbing the rank ladder as much as you can before the season ends. And if we helped you somehow with our website much better!


We have been quiet these last months, but that doesn't mean we were not working on new features and improving the website.


We ran a survey a while back where you guys shared your thoughts and suggested the areas where we could improve. After reading your comments and suggestions, we decided it would be great to take our Item Builder to the next level. And that's what we did.

We are very proud of our Item Builder because we know there isn't any other website with a tool like this. However, the builder was hard to understand and lacked some features like the Mythic Items' Passive stats calculation.


But that is now part of the past.


Let's start with the changes. The first thing that you will notice is the update to the interface. Now it should be easier to understand where your Item Builds are and which item belongs to which block. The same applies to the buttons for each Item Block and Item Build.


The second most requested feature (you'll love us for this) was the possibility to drag an item to the builder directly from the list, so you don't have to click on every item you want to add. No more extra clicks for you and less bandwidth for us. Win-Win



We also improved the "Compare Mode" so you don't have to get a P.h.D to compare the stats from Builds and Blocks. And we disabled some actions that you were not supposed to do with the compare mode enabled.



For our beloved users on mobile/small screens, we changed the comparison table to be a full-screen modal that should make it easier for you to read and compare the stats.



And there is more, but this time it does not have anything to do with the builder itself but the item information.

The first addition is the Gold Efficiency of each Item based on their base stats (we'll make a post soon explaining what Gold Efficiency is).



And the second addition is a list of every champion that uses an Item in the Legendary and Mythic categories. We think this could help you to identify which Champions could be affected when Riot decides to update an Item.


We hope that you like these changes. Stay tuned because there are a lot more coming!


Find the Item Builder here:

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